Monday, February 14, 2011

Ocean pollution and Tourism

Brief introduction of ocean pollution

According to the study showed that over 80% of marine pollution from land-based activities.  From plastic bags to pesticides - most of the waste we produce on land eventually reaches the oceans, either through deliberate dumping or from run-off through drains and rivers. What kind of pollution is in ocean?  This includes:
  • Vehicle Pollution
      Some people may know that cars pollute the air but some of them may not know that cars also pollute the ocean too.  The smoke that comes out of the car becomes acid rain. Then it rains in the ocean and pollutes it.
  • Industrial Pollution
      When we make anything there are nasty things left over. Those nasty things get into the ocean.
  • Agricultural Pollution
      On farms they use herbicides and pesticides, they become rain and it goes into the ocean.
  • Sewage Pollution
      860 BILLION gallons of sewage are dumped annually.
   Our waste water is being dumped in the ocean. This is harming our oceans.

Relationship between ocean pollution and tourism development 

      The consequences of tourism are economic, social, cultural and environmental.  I wanna talk about the relationship between ocean environments and tourism.  Tourism can bring negative effects to ocean.  When tourism is excessive expansion; it will lead to a lot of problems.   The primary problem is it will manufacture massive solid garbage, sewage etc.  This will pollute the sea water and hurt the marine life.  Once ocean pollution of a area become increasingly serious, tourists will change their plan to go other places.


  1. There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. See the link below for more info.


  2. Talk about solutions too.
    How to alleviate this issue, what can you suggest to enhance the tourist destination?

